
Jerusalem Artichoke Soup with Hazelnuts

By February 27, 2018 October 11th, 2024 No Comments

Jerusalem Artichoke and Hazelnut Soup

This soup is deliciously heart warming with a nice peppery bite which we all loved.  So many people remarked on how tasty it was that we thought it would be rude not to share the recipe. Big thanks to our new chef Stevie who’s creation it is.

Ingredients –

2 large onions peeled and chopped finely

2 sticks of celery finely chopped

2 leeks finely chopped

A bulb of garlic peeled and crushed

2 carrots peeled and chopped

2 kg of Jerusalem Artichokes – peeled and chopped

Seasoning – a generous amount of salt and pepper to your taste

1 large handful of hazelnuts


Soften the onion, celery and leeks in oil

Add garlic, carrots and artichokes with seasoning, sweat these down for 5 minutes with the pan lid on.

Add water to just cover

Once veg is soft, add the hazelnuts and blitz to your preferred consistency, we left ours nice and textured. 🙂

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