
Fresh, Bright, Delicious

By June 17, 2012 No Comments

“Fresh, bright, delicious” – a great overall description of Edinburgh Larder Bistro from the Bite Magazine’s review (read it in full here), and also an apt description  of The Edinburgh Larder’s latest addition: founder and co-director Eleanor and husband Andrew Cunningham have welcomed Ava Mary into the world on 15th June at 2030hrs!

Celebrate the fantastic news (and great review) by popping in for a glass of Prosecco for £3 Monday 18 – Thursday 21 June at the Bistro. Just quote “Ava”!

Sign Up for News from Edinburgh Larder

Edinburgh Larder

15 Blackfriars Street, EH1 1NB
0131 556 6922

Opening Hours
Monday - 7.30am - 3pm
Tuesday - 7.30am - 3pm
Wednesday - 7.30am - 3pm
Thursday - 7.30am - 3pm
Friday - 7.30am - 3pm
Saturday - 8am - 3pm
Sunday - 8am - 3pm

Little Larder

11 Blackfriars Street, EH1 1NB
0131 556 6922

Opening Hours
Monday - 9am - 2pm
Tuesday - 9am - 2pm
Wednesday - 9am - 2pm
Thursday - 9am - 2pm
Friday - 9am - 2pm
Saturday/Sunday - 8.30am-2pm

Morningside Larder

54-56 Morningside Road, EH10 4BZ
0131 353 0015

Opening Hours
Monday - 8.30am - 3.30pm
Tuesday - 8.30am - 3.30pm
Wednesday - 8.30am - 3.30pm
Thursday - 8.30am - 3.30pm
Friday - 8.30am - 3.30pm
Saturday - 8.30am - 3.30pm
Sunday - 8.30am - 3.30pm


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