
Edinburgh Larder on the One Show – well almost!!

By March 17, 2010 No Comments

We were really surprised and flattered a couple of weeks ago when the BBC came knocking at the door asking if it was OK for them to film in the Edinburgh Larder.  Of course we gladly accepted.  It was for a really interesting story about the decline of braille – giving information on modern tools used to enable reading for those withlittle or no sight.  There was a fair bit of filming done both inside and outside the deli and we were really excited when we were called on the 8th of March to say that we would be on the show that night.  We all rushed home to make sure we saw it but when it came to our section of the show, we were a bit disappointedbut more humoured to find that the only bit of the cafe which they’d left in the filming was the magnolia walls behind the guy who was talking about braille – it could have been anywhere!  Ah well, at least we know we helped with the filming of an interesting piece for a worthy cause – it was fascinating to hear the story first hand.

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Edinburgh Larder

15 Blackfriars Street, EH1 1NB
0131 556 6922

Opening Hours
Monday - 7.30am - 3pm
Tuesday - 7.30am - 3pm
Wednesday - 7.30am - 3pm
Thursday - 7.30am - 3pm
Friday - 7.30am - 3pm
Saturday - 8am - 3pm
Sunday - 8am - 3pm

Little Larder

11 Blackfriars Street, EH1 1NB
0131 556 6922

Opening Hours
Monday - 9am - 2pm
Tuesday - 9am - 2pm
Wednesday - 9am - 2pm
Thursday - 9am - 2pm
Friday - 9am - 2pm
Saturday/Sunday - 8.30am-2pm

Morningside Larder

54-56 Morningside Road, EH10 4BZ
0131 353 0015

Opening Hours
Monday - 8.30am - 3.30pm
Tuesday - 8.30am - 3.30pm
Wednesday - 8.30am - 3.30pm
Thursday - 8.30am - 3.30pm
Friday - 8.30am - 3.30pm
Saturday - 8.30am - 3.30pm
Sunday - 8.30am - 3.30pm


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